Dolf Barr
senior frontend engineer
at Invitae
at QuantumSoft
with 11+ years of experience based in
π» frontend engineerβοΈ coffee drivenπ‘ remote advocate
I’m currently involved in a few small open-source projects. Keep an eye out for more contributions from me soon π
Lightweight & customizable logging hook for your react components lifecycle
Tech: Reactβ TypeScriptβ testing-library
Simple & minimalistic pomodoro app
Tech: Svelteβ JavaScriptβ tailwind
Work Experience β 11+ years
Apr β19 β Present
Working on the frontend architecture and implementation business processes for web portal & inner tools.
Tech: Javascriptβ Typescriptβ HTMLβ CSSβ Lessβ Stylusβ Sassβ Node.js (NestJS)β Redux-Formsβ React Hook Formβ Formikβ Yupβ Storybookβ Testing Libraryβ Cypressβ Python (Django)
- Senior Software Engineerat QuantumSoft
Oct β15 β Present
Within different teams working on projects for QuantumSoft partners. Most of the time, I am responsible for the frontend architecture and development of the UI and application business logic.
Aug β16 β Mar β19
Responsibility for the frontend architecture and development of the UI and application business logic.
Tech: Javascriptβ Flowβ Typescriptβ HTMLβ CSSβ Lessβ Websocketsβ Node.js (Express.js)β Webpackβ Cytoscapeβ d3β Draft.js
- Full-Stack Web Developerat KREOSOFT
Nov β13 β Sep β15
Participated in the development of corporate and social services for students and employees of Tomsk State University.
Javascriptβ Typescriptβ HTMLβ CSSβ Lessβ Stylusβ Sassβ Node.js (NestJS)β Redux-Formsβ React Hook Formβ Formikβ Yupβ Storybookβ Testing Libraryβ Cypressβ Python (Django)β Flowβ Websocketsβ Node.js (Express.js)β Webpackβ Cytoscapeβ d3β Draft.js